President Trump and immigration

I can see both sides on this controversial issue.  We are bombarded by angry people on both sides of the issue.  And it is difficult to continue to follow.  Presidential executive order last week that came as a bit of a surprise with a short term ban on immigrants on several muslim nations.  None of these nations were involved in September 11th, 2001. The attorney general of the United States was fired for refusing to defend the executive branch on this controversial issue.

The book Ulysses dream is trying to humanize immigration.  The love story between a refugee from child trafficking Penelope and Ulysses a Native American boy who reminds us he was here before all of us who are immigrants is a tool to humanize this struggle.

So as a pastor of a multi ethnic congregation and as a child who grew up picking fruit in the fields with undocumented workers and their families I have a strong pull inside me that understands the plight of those seeking safety under the promise of the statue of liberty – send me your huddled masses.  Those who are escaping persecution because they sided with us in Iraq, Syria etc.  touch my heart deeply.  And yet I have heard from our coptic congregation about the incredible persecution that Christians in muslim nations go through – they do need some protection.  I can see both sides and I would love to hear more dialogue from people who are seeing both sides.  The issues are complicated, profound and extremely human.

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